Business tycoon Vincent Tchenguiz has solved a High
Court argument with an organization run by an Israeli ex-secret service mediators
who were claiming that he had not pay full amount of his bills. The applicant
Black Cube told Peters & Peters to open argument in March. Tchenguiz opposed
this argument by launching crime proceedings against Black Cube located in
Israel. Black Cube assumed Tchenguiz and his corporation Vincos, which trades
as agreement Business Group, agreed to disburse it full charges for task
carried out for him on court case across the world.
The main arguement
is for “debt and various other damages” and the total breach of agreement is
supposed to be more than £330,000. Additionally, company claimed that Tchenguiz
had committed to pay full amount and also agreed to pay 1% of cash settlement,
court activity proceedings and taking action from a proposed movie about
The case
subject was an anti-suit injunction claim in the High courtyard a few months
ago. Yesterday both parties withdrew their claims. A representative of Consensus
said: “The parties’ quarries or disputes have been established with the help of
a third party judgment process. Recently party will not make any further