Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Intuit A Personal Finance Firm Acquired Mobile Bill Payment Vendor Check

Intuit, a company that successfully tackling the finance industry has announced that they will be acquiring the mobile payment startup called Check for $360 million. The check is a quite innovative firm because it has used the mobile ecosystem and technology to build their business, it has received about $49 million funding till date, it was offering a mobile app that can track all bills and provided a service by which they can pay for them directly from their phone. Several similar type of startups have been started but the check can allow you save money by suggesting the tips to reduce the bill an d handles the payment to occur within the application. Almost five years ago it has made a similar acquisition, when it absorbed the Mint for around $170 million. Company as of now acquired once competitor application and have plans to use both for different type of the services for customers.

Forbs Posted “Looking at micro businesses it seems to me that the distinction between personal and business finance is pretty blurred. Almost all micro businesses I know use a personal credit card for business expenses – sure that can be solved via expense claims but that’s not really in keeping with the actuality. Similarly most micro businesses that require funding achieve it by using their personal equity to guarantee”.
Companies are very doing what they can to be the best in revenue and Technologies too; recently Google had rated as Top brand in terms of revenue generation, so Intuit is no other then Google, Similarly Google they organizing a technical conference to show off their technical advancement this year. Now Intuit has a chance to create a Mobile wallet payment service, which will allow NFC enabled device to exchange money.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Google I/O Scheduled on 25 June, Biggest technology Conference

Google has been a king of technologies since its beginning; company is pioneered on several kind of tech and also the owner of world most popular Mobile operating system that acquired the bigger part of the mobile market. Company now set to organize the annual event called Google I/O in San Francisco Moscone West conference and it is the one of the biggest developer conference, in which company shows the development of past year and as Android has became a trend now, experts have expected a huge announcement from Google I/O, these events are the main platforms where the any firm can show off their development, like wise another conference is ongoing in Israel Called TCE Conference 2014, it giving a platform to several Entrepreneur and CEO’s  to represent their annual advancement and contribution in the field.

Larry Page At Google I/O 2013
firstpost reported “The main event will of course be the Keynote, where Google will make most of the major announcements, which will also impact consumers and not just developers. The highlight for developers will be the sessions and activities planned for the new announcements, APIs and developer tools. This year’s I/O might be lighter on announcements than last year’s as the Keynote lasts two hours, an hour shorter than 2013. Let’s take a look at what we can expect at the event.”

Internet giant Google has recently break all the record in revenue generation and defeated Apple to come on as the Biggest and most valuable brand on the Planet. With Google I/O company also is showing off the massive stock exchange peak and of course the technology. Company major announcement will come from the Android, Wearable tech, cloud computing, Affordable Internet, Chrome and Google Glass several other project like Android Silver, Project Tango will be catching eye of developers at the event.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Zendesk Grown 27% at the Firsy Day of Trending With $100M IPO

This is the first time, when a company grown this much at the first day of trending, Yes  a cloud based contact center and other business support help desk Zendesk just went public yesterday at the New York Stock Exchange with $9 per share but with a boost of company funding of $100 million, it open 27% higher at the $11.40 on its first trade but this growth has gone far more than expected because the growth is keeps maintain as the day went on. The closing market has brought a total 49% of growth from its standing price and closed at $13.65 on share. It makes the total value of company; about $940 to $950 million approximately, as $9 per share for 11,111,111 Share Company offering and this was expected projection from the company. 

TechCrunch Says“Zendesk says it has some 42,000 customer accounts from 140 countries at the moment and has been growing quickly. Revenues in 2013 were $72 million, up 88% on a year before. The first quarter of 2014 to March 31 saw sales of $25.1 million, up 80% on the same quarter a year ago. We intend to invest aggressively to drive continued growth and market leadership,”

The Zendesk had a huges loss last year about $22.6 million and in 2011 it was $20 million and in Q1 of 2014 was not good with $10.3 million loss. But as they go public, firm has seen a huge growth since last month but not focused on a net income. The software industry now based on Cloud business. Also they acquired a chat based company in Singapore Zopim for $30 million.As they raised $100 million so with $9 per share it will be about $632 million. The firm was previously founded Denmark but recently they moved to San Francisco and partnered with the some of the biggest corporations currently.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ginger Software has Sold Personal Assistant Software to Intelligent Intel

The companies are going nuts for providing the personal assistant on the Smartphones. The Apple has Siri and from Now on Intel has Ginger. The Intel has Acquired an Artificial Intelligence holdings, the chipmaker has acquired some selected assets from Israel’s Ginger Software in the area of natural language processing and understanding. These assets are acquired to enhance with third parties to create customized personal assistant and the acquisition has worth $30 million. The Israeli Ginger Software has funded by investor like Li Ka- Shing’s, Horizon Ventures and after the acquisition Intel says the Ginger will continue to operate as the separate division and will also focus on its remaining business like intelligent grammar and spell check utilities. This is not the first time when ginger going through bad time but previously when their chairperson leaves the company to serve at Facebook Israel. The acquisition has firstly published on Hebrew Publications and it confirmed by Ginger itself.

TechCrunch Says “On May 8, Intel acquired natural language processing tools and applications assets from Ginger Software, and it is hiring up to 16 engineers associated with this business,” an Intel spokesperson further elaborated. “We are not disclosing details about how Intel might use the Ginger Software technologies at this time and we are not disclosing terms of the deal. Please note – We’re acquiring the assets and engineering team associated with Ginger Software’s natural language processing tools and applications. We aren’t acquiring Ginger Software’s Grammar and Spell Checker.”

The company has many experts in the IT field including the founder, CEO and Chief Scientist Yael Karov; she is a expert in Natural Language processing, co-founder and CTO too. The group also has NLP expert Micha Breakstone, and a man who founded and invented several tech under the guidance of Karov.

Friday, May 9, 2014

T-Systems Signed IT System Integration Deal with Automaker Daimler

T-Systems, known as the Telekom Company of Deutsche announced the signing of the biggest IT integrated systems with an automaker group named Daimler. The company has not revealed the actual size of the entire deal. However, many professionals working under T-Systems expected that the size of the entire deal might reach to big value equal to hundred millions of Euros. Lastly, T-Systems, a technology company has clocked the massive revenue worth EUR 9.5 billion and would assume its sole responsibility to develop, maintain and integration of different software applications in almost every important business area of the automaker group. 

Both of these companies signed IT system integration deal will advance to promise for future topics, which include cloud-based workspace and connected cars. The company has given proper support to automotive group with wide range of application services aimed to bring massive developments, consultation and maintenance since last many years. According to the CEO of T-Systems and the board member of Deutsche Telekom named Reinhard Clemens, “The major trust that this customer places in us shows that Daimler is extremely pleased with our performance and wishes to continue our close collaboration.” Read more from here

T-Systems have given its biggest contribution in shaping the networked future of both society and business. In addition, the company is staffed with many qualified engineers and technicians, which always created huge values for employees, customers, investors via ICT solutions. ICT is the acronym for information and communication technology, which the company uses to fulfill the varying requirements and demands of public sector companies and multinational corporations. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

What is WEEE and Why it’s Important

The WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directives, which is a national law proposed from EU Parliament to tackle with the Electronic Waste. This also comes together with another rule RoHS Directive and together both became the European law in February 2003 and since then it has got minor changes because it has failed to overcome some targets. The WEEE directive is a set of rules which will see recycling and complete the recovering target for all type of electrical machinery with the rate of 4 KG per person every year recovered for recycling in 2009. Together the WEEE and RoHS put some responsibility on worldwide manufactures as the Material and content them using to make new electronics. The symbol accepted by EU Council to present the law is a crossed Wheelie bin with a black line below the symbol. The line indicates that the devices are launched in the market after 2005, when it came into picture and good without line are in between 2002 and 2005.

Circuit Assembly says“The directive imposes the responsibility for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment on the manufacturers or distributors of such equipment. It requires that those companies establish an infrastructure for collecting WEEE, in such a way that "Users of electrical and electronic equipment from private households should have the possibility of returning WEEE at least free of charge". The directive saw the formation of national "producer compliance schemes", into which manufacturers and distributors paid an annual fee for the collection and recycling of associated waste electronics from household waste recycling centers.”

The rule has covered almost all kinds of categories, the first one’s are historic and non historic because it applied on the goods in the market in prior to 2005 and it forces them to recycle all those equipments properly and also bear the expenses if needed.