As many countries are far behind from western countries
in many ways which is in technology, Economy and thinking. So Israel is now
taking a head to head with western countries in electronic waste material. As recently
advancement in the industry is a new law, which will be tackling the recycling
of the e-waste. Last week the law has gone into effect and it has guaranteed
that the upcoming year will be good because the waste that had been disposed
into the lands and fields will be now recycling with the proper use or
disposal. Currently all it needs is a proper authority and infrastructure for
consumers because till now they just throw it away into the regular compost.
time, the law will be set to open several stores that will be accepting waste,
on the basis of its weight and amount of product they put on the market. Moreover
the customers will be allowed to take their scrap phones, damaged TV, Computers
to the stores, which will be set up in cities and towns and other have put the
containers to collect such garbage.

companies will then be responsible for sorting the discarded electronics taken
to stores and collection points, after receiving a license to do so from the
Environmental Protection Ministry. Two companies, Ecommunity and the Israeli
electronic recycling corporation known by its Hebrew acronym MAY, have already
received the necessary authorization to deal in discarded electronics, and MAY
has already managed to sign a deal with companies that produce and market
electronics.” Published on a

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